Porirua Print

Oceanic Inspiration Winding veils round their heads, the women walked on deck. They were now moving steadily down the river, passing the dark shapes of ships at anchor, and London was a swarm of lights with a pale yellow canopy drooping above it. There were the lights of the great theatres, the lights of the… Continue reading Porirua Print

Quilted Bags – Clare Smith

17th May 2025 Back More class info to come. Your place in class is not secured until you pay. Please ensure you register and pay and do not justturn up on the day.

Churn Dash – Di Barnden

15th February 2025 Back Info will have been sent to those enrolled.If you still want to do this class, there is space for a couple more. Enrol quickly. Your place in class is not secured until you pay. Please ensure you register and pay and do not justturn up on the day.